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As the representative organization of the Democratic Party at California State University, Sacramento, the goal of the College Democrats at Sacramento State is to further the ideas and ideals of the Democratic Party. We vow to uphold the Democratic principles of freedom, social justice, equality, and promote the formation of a society which extends those principles to all, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, physical handicap, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Furthermore, we seek to increase the involvement of students in the political process by raising awareness of the values and mission of the Democratic Party and by facilitating their direct involvement. It is for this reason and upon these ideals which we establish the College Democrats at Sacramento State.


The name of this organization shall be the College Democrats at Sacramento State, hereafter referred to as CDSS.



Section 1: The CDSS shall be affiliated with the Democratic Party of Sacramento County (DPSC), the California College Democrats (CCD), and the California Young Democrats (CYD).

Section 2: This organization is a recognized student organization at California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) and shall adhere to all campus policies contained in the Student Organization Handbook.

Section 3: This organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.

Section 4: The rules contained in the most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for this organization and shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the organization may adopt.


Section 1: Eligibility for membership shall not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.


Section 2: Membership Statuses

The CDSS shall have three membership statuses: (1) Associate, (2) Active, and (3) Prerogative.

2.1: Associate Members

(a) An Associate Member is any matriculating CSUS student who has attended a CDSS event and has not fulfilled the requirements to become an Active or Prerogative Member.

(b) Associate Members, as well as any other person who has not attained Active or Prerogative Status, shall not be extended any of the rights or privileges enumerated in Article III, Sections 2.2(c) and 2.3(c).

2.2: Active Members

(a) An Active Member is any matriculating CSUS student who has attended at least two general membership meetings during the current semester and has not fulfilled the requirements to become a Prerogative Member.

(b) A member’s Active Status shall extend from one Fall or Spring semester into the immediate following Fall or Spring semester until one of the following conditions is met:

(i) At least one third (1/3) of the latter semester’s general membership meetings and at least one of the latter semester’s special events have taken place; or

(ii) The member meets the requirements for Active or Prerogative Status during the latter semester.

(c) Active Members shall have the following rights and privileges:

(i) Vote on measures placed before the general membership;

(ii) Vote for officer candidates during club elections;

(iii) Run for, nominate individuals for, and hold club office, given that they have fulfilled any and all additional requirements;

(iv) Serve on committees;

(v) Be eligible for appointment to positions, given that they have fulfilled any and all additional requirements; and

(vi) Make endorsement recommendations and vote on endorsements presented to the general membership.

(d) Active Members shall not be entitled to attend any event for which club funds are used to provide lodging.

2.3: Prerogative Members

(a) A Prerogative Member is any matriculating CSUS student who has attended at least one third (1/3) of the current semester’s general membership meetings and attended at least one special event. Prerogative Status shall carry over from one Fall or Spring semester into the immediate following Fall or Spring semester until at least one third (1/3) of the latter semester’s general membership meetings and at least one of the latter semester’s special events have taken place.

(b) A member’s Prerogative Status shall extend from one Fall or Spring semester into the immediate following Fall or Spring semester until one of the following conditions is met:

(i) At least one third (1/3) of the latter semester’s general membership meetings and at least one of the latter semester’s special events have taken place; or

(ii) The member meets the requirements for Prerogative Status during the latter semester.

(c) Prerogative Members shall have the following rights and privileges:

(i) Vote on measures placed before the general membership;

(ii) Vote for officer candidates during club elections;

(iii) Run for, nominate individuals for, and hold club office, given that they have fulfilled any and all additional requirements;

(iv) Serve on committees;

(v) Be eligible for appointment to positions, given that they have fulfilled any and all additional requirements; and

(vi) Make endorsement recommendations and vote on endorsements presented to the general membership; and

(vii) Have priority in attending any event for which club funds are used to provide lodging.


Section 3: Membership Status Conferrals

3.1: Any member who is unable to attain Active Status during the current semester, and had attained Active Status during the previous semester, may request that the Executive Board confer Active Status on them for the current semester.

3.2: Any member who is unable to attain Prerogative Status, and had attained Prerogative Status during the previous semester or has attained Active Status during the current semester, may request that the Executive Board confer Prerogative Status on them for the current semester.

3.3: The Executive Board may approve a status conferral request via a simple majority vote at any Executive Board meeting. Upon the approval of the Executive Board, the Active or Prerogative Status of that member shall take immediate effect.


Section 4: Membership Status Revocations

4.1: The Executive Board may, with the approval of a simple majority of its members at any Executive Board meeting, revoke the Prerogative Status of any Prerogative Member who fails to meet the expectations associated with their membership status.

4.2: A Prerogative Member, upon having their Prerogative Status revoked, shall immediately be considered an Active Member until the end of the semester for which their status was revoked. The Secretary shall notify the member whose status was revoked within 24 hours of revocation.

4.3: The Executive Board shall not revoke the Active Status of any Active Member.



Section 1: Executive Board

1.1: The Executive Board shall be responsible for maintaining the general welfare of the club. They shall conduct all business necessary for the continued operation of the club and the implementation of these Bylaws. In this endeavor, all members of the Executive Board shall act in accordance with these Bylaws.

1.2: Executive Board Members

(a) The Executive Board shall consist of four elected officers: President, Vice President, Controller, and Secretary.

(b) No person may occupy more than one Executive Board office at a time.

1.3: Term

(a) Executive Board members shall be elected for a term of one year.

(b) After their election, Executive Board officers shall assume office at midnight on the eighth day of May.

1.4: Except as provided in Article IV, Sections 2.1 (i) and (j), the Executive Board may alter, limit, or override any decision of the President or any officer with a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

1.5: All Executive Board members shall complete a Nuts and Bolts training within the first three weeks of the beginning of each semester.


Section 2: Executive Board Officer Duties

2.1: President

The President shall have the following duties and powers, without limitation:

(a) Chair meetings of the general membership and the Executive Board;

(b) Propose the agenda for each meeting over which the President shall preside;

(c) Manage the Executive Board to ensure proper coordination among officers and timely completion of their duties;

(d) Act on behalf of the CDSS, so long as these actions do not subvert the expressed will of the Executive Board or the general membership and fall within the confines of club Bylaws and state and federal law;

(e) Spend club funds, within the constraints laid out in the Bylaws and with the consultation of the Controller, for what they deem necessary to facilitate the interests of the club;

(f) Serve as delegation chair to the CCD and CYD state conventions;

(g) Attend meetings of the DPSC, the CCD, and the CYD, or appoint a Delegate, pursuant to Article IV, Section 3.3(a), to represent the CDSS at such meetings;

(h) Appoint a Parliamentarian, with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board, to give advice to the CDSS on procedures and Bylaws interpretations;

(i) Appoint individual members to advisory and support positions;

(j) Remove anyone from any appointed position, except the Executive Director;

(k) Create ad hoc committees. The President shall appoint the chairperson and all other members of ad hoc committees. Committee creation and chairperson appointment each require ratification of the Executive Board by a simple majority vote;

(l) Serve as an ex officio member of all CDSS committees; and

(m) Sign the Officer Agreement Form.

2.2: Vice President

The Vice President shall have the following duties and powers, without limitation:

(a) In the absence of and as needed by the President, vote on behalf of the club at meetings of the DPSC, and the CCD;

(b) In addition to the President, vote on behalf of the club at meetings of the California Young Democrats;

(c) Coordinate with organizations on campus to establish joint events;

(d) Maintain up-to-date contact lists of alumni, associated community leaders, and associated elected officials;

(e) Provide notice to candidates for office of club endorsement opportunities;

(f) Coordinate all campaign activities, and communicate relevant information to the Executive Board in a timely manner;

(g) Liaise with political candidates regarding opportunities for the club to work with political candidates;

(h) Sign the Officer Agreement Form;

(i) Assist the President as needed; and

(j) Act as President pro tempore in the absence of the President, automatically assuming all powers, duties, and responsibilities of the President. If there is a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President shall automatically vacate the office of Vice President and fill the office of President, assuming all powers, duties, and responsibilities associated with that position.

2.3: Controller

The Controller shall have the following duties and powers, without limitation:

(a) Oversee the expenditure and collection of all club monies;

(b) Oversee the club’s fundraising activities;

(c) Maintain up-to-date and accurate records of all the club’s financial actions;

(d) Submit all necessary and required documents regarding club finances to any and all appropriate agencies and authorities;

(e) Present a proposed budget for the semester to the Executive Board within two weeks of the beginning of the semester. This budget shall, at minimum, set revenue goals and projected expenses;

(f) Compile an accurate and thorough report accounting for all of the club’s finances during their term. This report shall include a list of all donations made to the club (including fundraising activities), an updated donors list, a list of all club expenditures, and an accounting of any monies which the club is owed. This report shall be submitted to the Executive Board one week prior to annual Executive Board elections;

(g) Sign the Officer Agreement Form; and

(h) Assist the President as needed.

2.4: Secretary

The Secretary shall have the following duties and powers, without limitation:

(a) Coordinate communications between the Executive Board and the general membership, the local community, and the media;

(b) Maintain up-to-date membership and attendance rosters;

(c) Distribute regular meeting minutes to the general membership after they have been approved;

(d) Distribute proposed agendas for general membership and Executive Board meetings to the general membership and Executive Board, respectively;

(e) Maintain the club’s email, website, and social media presence;

(f) Oversee the club’s recruitment efforts;

(g) Oversee the chartering of the club with the DPSC, the CCD, and the CYD.


Section 3: Appointed Officers

3.1: Parliamentarian

The Parliamentarian shall have the following rights and powers, without limitation:

(a) Give advice to the CDSS on procedures and Bylaws interpretations;

(b) Record votes at general membership meetings as needed by the meeting chair; and

(c) Serve as Chief Elections Officer for club elections.

(d) The Parliamentarian shall have no vote at Executive Board meetings.

3.2: Executive Director

(a) The Executive Director shall be appointed by the newly sworn Executive Board at the first meeting of the new Executive Board. The immediate past President should be appointed as Executive Director. If the immediate past President is unable to perform these duties, another immediate past Executive Board member who is able and also Nuts and Bolts certified should be appointed to the position. Ratification by the membership is not required. The Executive Director shall assume office immediately upon approval.

(b) The Executive Director shall have no voting rights on the Executive Board or at general membership meetings.

(c) The Executive Director may not be removed by the President.

(d) The Executive Director shall conduct business on the CDSS’s behalf, at the direction of the Executive Board, during summer intersession until members of the newly-elected Executive Board have become Nuts and Bolts certified.

(e) The Executive Director shall serve an Elections Officer for club elections, if available for those elections.

(f) The Executive Director shall be ineligible to run for elected club office.

(g) The Executive Director must be an Active or Prerogative Member upon assuming office, but may continue to serve as Executive Director if their membership status expires before the end of their term.

3.3: Delegates

(a) Delegates shall be appointed by the President with the approval of a majority of the E-Board. This requirement is waived for the Vice President, who is an ex officio Delegate.

(b) Delegates shall vote on the club’s behalf where appropriate and as directed by the President.

3.4: Elections Officers

The Elections Officers shall have the following rights and powers during club elections, without limitation:

(a) Conduct a roll call of Active and Prerogative Members at any meeting where an election is being held;

(b) Administer the club’s elections. Elections Officers shall assume office at the start of the club election for which they were appointed and their appointment shall be terminated at the conclusion of that election;

(c) Distribute ballots to and collect ballots from Active and Prerogative Members during elections; and

(d) Count votes and certify the election results.

(e) Elections Officers may not vote or be candidates in the election.

(f) If the Parliamentarian and/or Executive Director is unable to serve as Elections Officer, the President may appoint another Active or Prerogative Member to serve as an Alternate Elections Officer. Alternate Elections Officer appointments do not require Executive Board approval.

Section 4: Eligibility for appointed and elected student officer positions shall not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.


Section 5: Removal from Office

5.1: The Executive Director and Executive Board officers who have ceased to act in the best interest of the club, or who have ceased to properly execute their duties, may be removed via a recall referendum.

5.2: A recall referendum may be initiated with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Board at a regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting. Once initiated, a recall referendum may be ratified by a simple majority vote at a regularly scheduled general membership meeting. This vote shall take place after the reasons for the recall have been stated by the Executive Board and after the officer in question has been given an opportunity to plead their case.

5.3: Once a recall referendum has been initiated, the Secretary must immediately inform the general membership of the recall referendum that has been initiated; the date, time, and location of the recall referendum vote; and the name of the officer subject to the recall referendum. This information shall be disseminated to the general membership through the club’s email.

5.4: The Executive Board must provide written notice to the officer being recalled. This notice must be given at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the general membership meeting where the recall vote will take place. This must be done to ensure that the officer subject to the recall referendum has the opportunity to prepare a defense.

5.5: If the recall referendum is ratified, the officer subject to the recall referendum is recalled and immediately relieved of all officer duties. They must relinquish all club materials and documents which may be in their possession to the Executive Board within seventy-two (72) hours of their removal.


Section 6: Executive Board Vacancies

6.1: A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled as provided in Article IV, Section 2.2(j).

6.2: A vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled by appointment. The President shall appoint an Executive Board officer, subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Board, to assume the office of Vice President. The appointed officer shall immediately vacate their other Executive Board office and assume all powers, duties, and responsibilities associated with the office of Vice President.

6.3: Vacancies in any other Executive Board office shall be filled via special election, which shall be held at a regular meeting at least two weeks after the meeting when the vacancy was announced. Nominations may be made at the meeting where the vacancy is announced, and nominations may also be made from the floor at the time of the election. The President may, if they wish, appoint an interim officer to fill the vacancy until the election is held; however, this person shall not be extended the voting rights afforded the position they assume. Interim appointments do not require Executive Board approval.




Section 1: General Membership Meetings

1.1: Regular general membership meetings shall be held at least once per week while Fall and Spring semester classes are in session at CSUS. This rule may be suspended with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board, but only for the first meeting and last two meetings of each semester, meetings that fall on state and/or federal election days, and in the case of emergencies that threaten the health and welfare of CDSS general members.

1.2: Special general membership meetings may be called by the President with at least seventy-two (72) hours’ notice being given to the general membership.

1.3: The Executive Board shall schedule general membership meetings in accordance with this section of the Bylaws.

1.4: No business shall take place at any general membership meeting without one third (1/3) of all Active and Prerogative Members present.

Section 2: Executive Board Meetings

2.1: Regular Executive Board meetings shall be scheduled as prescribed by the Executive Board.

2.2: Special Executive Board meetings may be called by the President or a simple majority of the Executive Board with 24 hours’ notice being given to the Executive Board.

2.3: No business shall take place at any Executive Board meeting without two thirds (2/3) of voting Executive Board members present.

Section 3: Event Classification

3.1: General events include membership meetings, Executive Board meetings, and CDSS socials, any or all of which may be held in person or via teleconference pursuant to Article V, Section 4.

3.2: A special event is any CDSS-sanctioned event that is not a general event.

Section 4: Teleconferencing

4.1: For the purposes of this section, a teleconference is defined as a meeting of the general membership or Executive Board, the members of which are in different locations, connected by electronic means, through either audio or video, or both.

4.2: In the event of University guidance or a campus shutdown, regular and special general membership and Executive Board meetings shall be held via teleconference. During the Summer and Winter semesters, as well as during any week in which CSUS classes are not in session, the Executive Board may elect to hold Executive Board meetings via teleconference.

4.3: The Secretary shall provide the teleconference location to all general or Executive Board members at least 24 hours before the teleconferenced general or Executive Board meeting, respectively, takes place.

4.4: All votes during teleconferenced meetings shall be held via voice vote, roll call vote, or electronic written ballot. Absentee voting, proxy voting, and secret ballots are prohibited.

4.5: All teleconferenced CDSS meetings and proceedings shall comply with all requirements of these Bylaws and any other rules adopted by the club.


Section 5: No rule preventing matriculating CSUS students from attending general events shall be made on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, disability, or CDSS membership status.



Section 1: The CDSS may independently endorse any Democratic candidate for student government office, local office, statewide partisan office, United States Congress, United States Senate, and/or United States President, as well as any ballot initiative, measure, advisory petition, legislation, or action.


Section 2: Candidates and measures who have knowingly and willingly accepted endorsements and/or financial contributions from law enforcement unions during the election cycle for which they are seeking an endorsement shall not be eligible to receive the CDSS’s endorsement. This rule is waived if either of the following conditions is met:

2.1: An Active or Prerogative member makes a motion at a general membership meeting to suspend this section of the Bylaws and consider a candidate, subject to the approval of two thirds (2/3) of those Active and Prerogative Members present and voting at any general membership meeting at which a quorum is present; or

2.2: Two thirds (2/3) of all those Executive Board members present and voting at an Executive Board meeting at which a quorum is present recommend to suspend this section of the Bylaws and consider a candidate, subject to the approval of two thirds (2/3) of those Active and Prerogative Members present and voting at any general membership meeting at which a quorum is present.

Section 3: Definitions

3.1: Contested Races: All elections in which more than one Democrat is seeking office.

3.2: Contested Measure: Any measure including, but not limited to, a referendum, proposition, initiative, constitutional amendment, or City Charter amendment that has not been endorsed by the California Democratic Party, the CYD, or the DPSC.

3.3: Uncontested Races: Races in which there is only one Democratic candidate running for a seat and the filing deadline has already passed.

Section 4: Procedures During the Fall and Spring Semesters

4.1: Uncontested Races and Measures

(a) The voting general membership may endorse the sole Democrat in a general or special election, or a candidate endorsed by the DPSC by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of those Active and Prerogative Members present and voting at a general membership meeting at which a quorum is present following the close of the filing period for that office.

(b) The general membership may endorse the position on a local measure held by the DPSC or a statewide ballot proposition held by the California Democratic Party by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of those present and voting at a general membership meeting at which a quorum is present.

4.2: Contested Races and Measures

(a) The Vice President shall make reasonable efforts to invite all Democrats running in a contested election for which the CDSS is considering an endorsement to participate in the endorsement process.

(b) The Executive Board may elect to include questionnaires and/or interviews for candidate races. Any questionnaire or interview requirement must be imposed on all eligible candidates equally.

(c) The Executive Board may, subject to the approval of a majority of present and voting Executive Board members at any Executive Board meeting, recommend an endorsement position for a contested race or measure.

(d) The Secretary shall provide at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to the general membership for any meeting at which an endorsement is to be considered.

(e) Upon the recommendation of the Executive Board, the CDSS may endorse the candidate or measure by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of those Active and Prerogative Members present and voting at a general membership meeting at which a quorum is present.

(f) If there is no Executive Board recommendation to endorse a candidate or measure, or if the Executive Board’s recommendation was not adopted, the CDSS may endorse a candidate or issue with a three-fifths (3/5) vote of those Active and Prerogative Members present and voting at a general membership meeting at which a quorum is present.

Section 5: Procedure Outside of the Fall and Spring Semesters

5.1: This section (Article VI, Section 5) must be read at the last general membership meeting of the Spring and Fall semesters.

5.2: Candidates or campaigns seeking the endorsement of the CDSS must email their request to the CDSS’s general email. Upon receipt of an endorsement request from a candidate or campaign, the Secretary must inform the Executive Board of the request in an email in which all Executive Board members have been cc’d. The Executive Board may make a recommendation to endorse a candidate or campaign with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire Executive Board.

5.3: The Secretary must email the general membership about the Executive Board’s recommendation to endorse a candidate or campaign. If within one week of the announcement of the Executive Board’s recommendation to endorse a candidate or campaign, five (5) Active and/or Prerogative Members or twenty percent (20%) of all Active and Prerogative Members, whichever is greater, respond with a negative vote, then the recommendation to endorse is rejected. If this does not occur, then the endorsement is ratified. A copy of this subsection must be included in the announcement of the Executive Board’s recommendation to endorse.

Section 6: Favorite Child Endorsements

6.1: Any Active Member, Prerogative Member, or CDSS alumnus who is running for political office is eligible for Favorite Child Endorsement, except as provided in Article VI, Section 2.

6.2: After a candidate who qualifies for a Favorite Child Endorsement notifies the club, or an Active or Prerogative Member notifies the club on the candidate’s behalf, and receives confirmation from the Vice President that the request was received and that they do qualify, the Vice President shall provide notice to the Executive Board, before or during the next Executive Board meeting, that the candidate has requested a Favorite Child Endorsement.

6.3: The candidate shall be automatically endorsed following the next Executive Board meeting, provided that no member of the Executive Board motions to not endorse the candidate and receives a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board.

6.4: Automatic endorsements shall not apply to races wherein two or more club members/alumni are seeking the same office.

6.5: Favorite Child Endorsements are subject to be rescinded in the same manner as any other endorsement.

Section 7: “No endorsement” shall always be an option included in a candidate or measure recommendation or vote.

Section 8: If a piece of legislation endorsed by the CDSS becomes a measure on the ballot, via legislative placement or gathered signatures, endorsement of the legislation shall translate to an endorsement of the ballot measure.

Section 9: Endorsement Rescissions

At the request of any Active or Prerogative Member, a CDSS endorsement may be rescinded as follows:

9.1: Upon a three-fifths (3/5) vote of Active and Prerogative Members to rescind the endorsement at a regular general membership meeting; or

9.2: Upon a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the Executive Board to recommend the rescission of an endorsement, subject to the approval of majority of Active and Prerogative Members.


Section 1: Election Schedule

1.1: The President, Vice President, Controller, and Secretary shall be elected annually.

1.2: Annual elections shall be held during the last regular general membership meeting of April.

1.3: At least two weeks’ notice shall be provided for any meeting at which annual or special elections are to be held. Special elections must be held during a regular general membership meeting.

Section 2: Nominations

2.1: Except as provided in Article VII, Section 2.2, nominations for office shall be made at the regular meeting immediately preceding the election. Nominations may be made from the floor immediately prior to the election for any office for which there are no declared nominees. Nominations are not seconded.

2.2: Members may nominate themselves for an office. Members nominating themselves may do so up until twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of any general membership meeting at which elections are being held by emailing the club’s email account with their self-nomination.

2.3: Nominations made by Active and Prerogative Members must be accepted, provided that the nominator and nominee have fulfilled any and all necessary requirements.

2.4: All nominees must disclose to the club any affiliation with other clubs on campus immediately before the election takes place or sooner.


Section 3: Officers shall be elected in this order: President, Vice President, Controller, and Secretary. This order shall be changed so that any office for which there is no nominee twenty-four (24) hours prior to the election is moved to the end of the order and elected last. The Secretary shall publish the names of all nominees and the office for which each nominee is running.


Section 4: Officers shall be elected by majority vote. If no candidate receives a majority vote, a runoff election shall be held between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. In the event of a tie, there shall be a second runoff. If the second runoff results in a tie, the Chief Elections Officer shall flip a coin.


Section 5: Voting

5.1: Votes shall be cast by written ballot during the meeting at which an election is held; however, when there is only one candidate for an office, a motion may be made to elect the candidate by acclamation. The use of secret ballots is prohibited. Proxy and absentee voting are not allowed.

5.2: Once the Elections Officers have tabulated the votes and certified the results, the Chief Elections Officer shall announce the results to the general membership, including the number of ballots received by each candidate in a contested race.


Section 6: Teleconferenced Elections

Teleconferenced elections must follow all the election rules and procedures provided in these Bylaws, except as otherwise specified in this section.

6.1: In the event of University guidance or a campus shutdown, club elections shall be held virtually during a teleconferenced general membership meeting (as defined in Article V, Section 4).

6.2: Written ballots shall be submitted electronically during teleconferenced elections.


Section 7: Election Audits

7.1: Active Members, Prerogative Members, the DPSC, the CCD, and the CYD may request an audit of an election up to three months after the election to be audited took place.

7.2: Only the DPSC may conduct an audit of voted ballots. The Executive Director shall disclose all voted ballots to the DPSC upon the initiation of an election audit.

7.3: An election audit shall never be used for the purpose of retaliation based on a club member’s vote, which may be grounds to deny a current or future request and shall subject the requester to a membership revocation.

7.4: Original Ballot Possession and Disclosure

(a) Members’ votes shall not be disclosed unless an audit occurs, in which case the members’ votes shall only be disclosed to the DPSC.

(b) All original ballots shall be kept in the custody of the Executive Director for three (3) months after the election for which the ballots were cast.

(c) Original ballots shall be accompanied by the Executive Director, the Parliamentarian, or an officer of the Executive Board at all times. Original ballots shall not be left in the presence of any other individual or organization without the signed consent of all Executive Board members.

(d) Photographing or copying ballots for any purpose other than examining and verifying information is prohibited.



The Executive Board shall appoint an individual employed as a faculty or staff member by California State University, Sacramento to serve as the University Advisor to this organization. Auxiliary staff and student assistants are not eligible to serve as University Advisors.The University Advisor shall fulfill the responsibilities specified in the Student Organization Handbook. University Advisors shall serve on an academic year basis or until their successor has been selected.


Section 1: Any and all regular account spending not previously authorized in the semesterly club budget must be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2: In the event that the Executive Board cannot be consulted in time, emergency spending may be approved by the President and the Controller. However, the President and Controller may not approve to spend more than $100 in this manner without first consulting the Executive Board. The Executive Board must be informed at the next Executive Board meeting of any funds spent in this manner prior to the submission of any forms for reimbursement.



Section 1: All complaints alleging violations of the Student Conduct Code, Title 5, section 41301, et seq., shall be investigated pursuant to Executive Order 1073 and/or 1074 (in cases involving allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on protected status). Investigations and other proceedings under Executive Orders 1073 and 1074 shall be conducted by campus administration, not student organizations, and this organization shall refer any complaints alleging subject matters covered by Executive Orders 1073 and 1074 to the campus Vice President for Student Affairs or other designee for investigation and resolution.

Section 2: Complaints may also be brought to the attention of the Executive Board. These complaints must either be given to the Executive Board at an Executive Board meeting or emailed to the CDSS’s general email account from a CSUS SacLink email account. Complaints brought to the attention of the Executive Board shall be passed on to Student Organizations and Leadership.



Section 1: The Executive Board may recommend Bylaws amendments to the general membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Active and Prerogative Members present and voting at any general membership meeting at which a quorum is present.

Section 2: The Secretary shall be responsible for distributing a draft of proposed Bylaws amendments to the general membership at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting at which they are to be considered.

Section 3: A copy of any amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted to the Student Organizations and Leadership Office at California State University, Sacramento within two weeks after adoption.


These bylaws shall come into force at midnight on May 8, 2021.



April 20, 2021

I: Name
II: Authority
III: Membership
IV: Officers
V: Meetings and Events
VI: Endorsements
VII: Elections
VIII: University Advisor
IX: Finances
X: Discipline of Members
XI: Amendment of Bylaws
XII: Enactment Date
Elections 2022: IV S3.2-4
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